Monday, August 16, 2010

Hello, Elliptical......F You, Scale

First, the good news. I tried a new machine at the gym this morning: the elliptical trainer. And I tell you what, it sorta kicked my butt (in a good way). I had never tried it before but I really liked the combination of working the legs and arms at the same time. Now, I'll be honest with you - I could only do 10 minutes of it. I finished out my cardio on the treadmill doing interval training with alternating levels of incline. But boy did I feel refreshed after.

Now, the bad news. I weighed in today and gained 1.2 pounds. I was not happy about this and considered throwing a big "F YOU!" at the scale. But it's not the scale's fault. It's MY fault. I'm owning this. Nobody's fault but my own.

Now normally this is the part in my fitness regime where I say, "screw it, I'll always be fat no matter what" and quit. But I AM NOT QUITTING. You hear that, fat residing on my person? I AM NOT QUITTING!


  1. You go girl, you tell that fat!! Consistancy and paitence is key. If you want it you'll get it.. Good job on the elliptacal, I know it kicks my ass too, I'm lucky to do 5 minutes on that machine..Keep up the good work.

  2. Making friends with the eliptical is a smart move! I managed to lose my pregnancy weight with it! Great cardio!!!! Stay motivated!!!!

  3. I sorta love the burn it made in my legs! My legs are sore today but it's a good sore. I can't wait to do it again!

  4. Making friends with the eliptical is a smart move! I managed to lose my pregnancy weight with it! Great cardio!!!! Stay motivated!!!!


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