Sunday, December 26, 2010

Goodbye, Christmas! Hello, No-Man's Land!

Christmas has come and gone for another year. This is the week of each year I feel a little melancholy, a little hopeful, and a lot fat. I'll put it right out there. I freaking love Christmas. I never really remember being this excited about Christmas when I was a kid. I'm sure I was, I just don't remember it. There's not one Christmas that stands out for me when I was a kid.

My husband and I have always done Christmas in as big a way as we have been able to. Some years, not so big - others have been bigger. But no matter what our financial situation might have been at the time (and this year - NO CREDIT CARD DEBT! WE ARE CREDIT CARD DEBT FREE! - but that might be another post in an of itself some day), we have always made it special for each other. And now that we have children, we strive to make it special for them - so that they will ALWAYS have Christmas memories.

So the week-after-Christmas/week-before-New-Year's is kind of a No Man's Land for me. I feel sad that Christmas has gone (the month of December is traditionally unbearable for me because I look forward to it so much), and all the bright and shiny promise of the New Year isn't quite here yet.

However (and there's always a "however" in life).....

This year I'd like to do my best to make it different. Instead of using this week as an excuse to stuff as much as possible into my mouth in an effort to "enjoy the Christmas goodies for one last week" before the fitness craze of the New Year takes over, I've decided to spend the week getting to know the PointsPLUS system for Weight Watchers. I joined the online version last week and although I didn't look at it much, I am going to learn the ins and outs of the plan this week and do a test-run. WW has been successful for me in the past (about 9 years ago) and I'd like to see what this new system has to offer. Next week is back to the gym for me, with a plan and my new iPod (given to me by my incredibly thoughtful husband for Christmas).

I have not been the best person these past few weeks food-wise. And I haven't exercised a lick. I'm fairly certain any weight I lost before (that coveted 10 pounds) has been gained back. But although that's not really acceptable, I'm not going to hate myself for that. I'm going to do my best to move on. Isn't that what this is about? Moving on and quitting that stupid looking back crap?

I keep telling myself I can do this. And deep down I know I can. It's the doing, not the thinking, that's the hard part. But I've done lots of things that were hard. I've moved hundreds of miles away from home at age 22 to be with the man I loved. At age 26, I watched my father take his last breath. And just just 4 months ago (to the day), I suffered the miscarriage of a baby I didn't even know I was carrying. (Yeah, not many people know that. So keep it under your hats, eh). The point is, what the hell, Colleen. Yeah - I *CAN* do this.


  1. You can do it Colleen... believe you can do it. I believe you can do it!!!

  2. You can do it Colleen... believe you can do it. I believe you can do it!!!


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