Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Super Duper Extra Busy

When my husband and I started our webstore, Fun Beyond Driven, we had no idea it would be *THIS* busy in the months of November and December. Granted, we're not a huge operation by any means but with both of us having full time jobs, and the webstore on top of that (not to mention our two very busy and energetic daughters), we have very little down time.

Which is why I haven't been blogging much.

Forgive me, I will update ASAP, perhaps this evening. In the meantime I hope everyone is striving, striving, striving toward their goals! How are ya'll doing?


  1. I had no idea! But I just placed an order. I did the email invoice so my hubby won't see what I got him through paypal since it's part of his Christmas gift. Yippee!!!!

  2. I’ve given you a blog award – http://fat-angry-blog.blogspot.com/2010/12/and-award-goes-to-yes-5-of-you-are.html


Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Check me out on Twitter (@OnwardColleen) and come back often! As always - feel free to email me any time! reinventingcolleen@att.net

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