Thursday, December 2, 2010

Taking On A Challenge

I was reading Andrew's blog over at 100 Pounds. He's challenged himself to lose TWENTY pounds in the month of December and asked if anyone else was with him in creating a challenge for themselves in the month of December.

My first thought was, "Andrew's a loon if he thinks I can lose a significant amount of weight in December." I'll be lucky not to gain. I mean come on....the Christmas cookies, the candy, the oh-so-decadent Christmas POTLUCK party my husband and I host every year.... NOT FREAKING POSSIBLE, I thought.

But then I thought again. Why the hell not? Who says this December has to be the same as every other calorie-laden one I've spent on earth. Seriously - if ever there were a month for me to learn about celebrating holidays with PEOPLE rather than with FOOD, December's the one.

So while I'm not shooting for a loss of 20 pounds in December, I am making a challenge for myself in the month of December. I want that magazine subscription I've been promising myself for 20 pounds lost. I want to reach Milestone #2 by December 31.

Anyone else with me in creating a challenge for themselves this month? It doesn't have to be a number of pounds you want to lose, maybe you want to focus on a facet of your journey that you struggle with - like food journaling (still working on that, folks), or your daily water intake, or counting calories. Any positive challenge is a good one!

1 comment:

  1. My challenge goal is to make my 50 pound mark by the end of December. I have less than 8 pounds to go and 4 weigh ins left. Good luck on reaching your milestone!


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