Monday, January 31, 2011

Could you vote again?

As many of you know, I'm in a contest to win a FREE Blog Re-Design from the completely and totally awesome April Showers Blog Design!

Today is the LAST day to vote! If you've voted before, that's ok! You can vote once per day so if you don't mind, please go vote again! And if you haven't voted yet, why the heck not? My blog content is awesome (haha), so I think it should look awesome too!

To help me all you have to do is go visit the fabulous and wonderful Charlie at Operation Shrink Charlie's Big Butt. Look on the left column to vote. THEN VOTE!

Thanks to Charlie and April for putting this all together. Even if I don't win, (which I really, REALLY want to), the ride's been a lot of fun!!


  1. voted!! You were at 49% ;) woot woot!!

  2. Okay, Colleen, I'm going over now. Just for you.

  3. It wouldn't let me vote for you again. I only had the option to "change my vote" which I wasn't gonna do since I already voted for you. lol Good luck! You're in the lead right now. =)

  4. I think it lets you vote once every 24 hours. There are still something like 10 hours left to vote!


Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Check me out on Twitter (@OnwardColleen) and come back often! As always - feel free to email me any time!

Blog Design by Likely Lola