Wednesday, January 12, 2011

**Warning: Period Talk Ahead***

If there're any fellas who read my blog, you might want to look away. I'm deep in the need to talk about the female condition, and ya'll just might not understand, or may be grossed out by it. Or want to know any of this information.

I have found over the years that my body can be quite predictible especially when it comes to the menstrual cycle. These days it's pretty regular and I could set my watch by it if needed (though the thought of that is kind of gross to me for some reason). I know exactly what to expect from my body on each day of my cycle (day 3 is usually the worst). I also know what foods my body is going to tell me I absolutely SHOULD consume.

Look, it's no secret that I love sweets. If I were a baker by trade I'd be in some real trouble. However, when my period's about to show up, I get completely RAVENOUS for sweets. Why is that? Does our body have some fundamental rule stating that every 28 days sabotage is in order? Right this minute my brain is telling me I need some cupcakes, fruit pies, cookies, german chocolate cake, chocolate, and a giant bowl of cereal. But sweet doesn't have the corner on the market of my cravings. Savory has it's foot in the door, too. I want some macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, and BACON.

I guess our genetic makeup tells us that physiologically our body is potentially getting ready for the stress of growing a baby, so we'd better pack on some pounds to get through the coming year. I get that. I just think the cravings can get out of freaking control.

Q) How do you keep it together during "that time?'
Q) For those of you who have lost a bit of your weight, do cravings like this get better?


  1. I craved food galore during PMS time. But as soon as my period finally came, the cravings would also go away. Now, I guess because I have come so far I barely even notice the cravings. It's basically a normal time for me. I struggle still but it's usually not around my time of the month anymore. Just random days I want to pig out but I don't :-)

  2. I never used to get cravings, but now I do - so I try to find healthier versions of the things I crave. Spaghetti squash mac 'n' cheese is delicious, and so is a frozen chocolate Yoplait Whip yogurt. Or if I want something crunchy, I like slicing up a cucumber and dipping the chips into plain yogurt mixed with dill and a little salt.

  3. I know exactly how you feel - this very minute!!

    I invested in some of the Yoplait Light yogurts - with a variety of flavors - and I'm finding that they are satisfying Aunt Flo's sweet tooth.

    It's not just the cravings - it's the constant feeling of being hungry that I'm struggling with. It seems like when Flo is coming for a visit - I go into starvation mode. I'm always hungry!! Still trying to find a way to deal with that...ignoring it isn't working. :(

  4. I never used to get cravings, but now I do - so I try to find healthier versions of the things I crave. Spaghetti squash mac 'n' cheese is delicious, and so is a frozen chocolate Yoplait Whip yogurt. Or if I want something crunchy, I like slicing up a cucumber and dipping the chips into plain yogurt mixed with dill and a little salt.


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