Sunday, February 13, 2011

I did it! I earned my first #7daychip !

I earned my first #7daychip! That means, no binging for the past 7 days - all controlled and planned eating. My goal this week was to not touch any of my weekly allotted Weight Watchers points, and I reached that goal. It feels fantastic to be able to say all that. I felt strong all week, and it was wonderful that so many of us earned our chip today.

Being in control is a completely foreign concept to me when it comes to eating. I love the support and encouragement I've been getting around the web. It's just so amazingly fantastic. Been having lots of fun checking in with and getting encouragement from / helping to encourage my buddy Katie who writes Finding The Thin Within. I think she's fabulous and I can't wait to say we've both earned our #30daychip !!

To learn more about Brad Gansberg's 7 Day Chip club, visit him at: Learn More About The 7 Day Chip!


  1. Congrats on earning the chip! I'm approaching day 50, and it feels incredible! It was a big day for #7daychip, and I'm totally proud to be a part of this group! =)

  2. Wow, you didnt touch your bonus points. Im impressed!! :) Keep up the good work!

  3. I didn't even touch ONE. It was hard not to a couple of days, but I really wanted to push myself. And I'm so glad I did!

    I'm not saying I'll never touch a weekly point again. I'm just saying I love that I know that I CAN decide not to touch them and actually do it!!

  4. Wooo Hooo!!!!! You are so amazing!!! I'm glad you are finally learning to love yourself. =)))


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