Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Week In Review

This past week I've had some success, and I've had some struggles.

Monday brought with it a failed attempt at a gym workout (the previous night's storm rendered the Y without power) and my MIL was admitted to the hospital (thank you for all the well wishes - she is still in but we are hopeful she'll be released tomorrow).  The desire to binge was huge.  But I held off.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were ok-ish.  Still wanted to binge, but didn't.  I had awesome workouts at the gym on Wednesday and Thursday and am growing to love the stationary bike and the change of pace of it. 

Friday's well-documented off-trackedness (another made up word!!) and subsequent Soul Searching / Soul Cleansing was both good and bad. I learned a lot about myself that day.  That seems to be the way it goes.

Saturday was Day 1 (again) for me on my quest for a #7daychip with my Twitter group and after having changed my goals for the 7Day Chip, I had the strongest and most successful Day 1 ever for me.  Today has been much the same. 

Overall it's been a week of learning for me - and a good week at that.  I honestly can't wait for weigh-in in the morning!!


  1. You go girl way to push through those binge cravings.

  2. Just wanted to post to say hi, I recently started following your blog, I took am on the journey to losing weight and am finding it helpful to find others going thru it as a form of support.


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