Friday, March 11, 2011

Product Review - Hellman's (Best Foods) Light Mayonnaise

Some people don't like mayonnaise.  Let me tell you something about those people:  I just don't understand them.  I have ALWAYS loved mayonnaise.  My family will attest to the fact that I used to eat (brace yourself for it....) mayonnaise sandwiches.  What's not to love, right?  Creamy, fatty, yummy......

And I'm a bit of a mayonnaise snob, too.  I only eat Hellman's brand (Best Foods brand to you people west of the rockies - why it has to be different I will never understand).  And pretty please, with sugar on top - NEVER EVER call Miracle Whip mayonnaise.  You may refer to it as "Abomination."

So for the first few months of doing the Weight Watchers plan this time around I just figured (like all other times) that my love affair with mayonnaise was over and I'd never be eating it again.  After all, regular full-fat mayonnaise is THREE PointsPlus PER TABLESPOON.  That's a lot for just a tablespoon of anything, even mayonnaise.  At first I lived with it. I 'd use the full fat mayonnaise on my sandiwiches and just cut calories/points elsewhere.

And then the skies opened up and the heavens sang to me.  "Try the light version," I heard.  I fought with the voice in my head.  "But it'll taste like ass," I said to the heavenly voice.  "Just try it."

So I tried it.  And guess what. IT FREAKING ROCKS.  At the risk of sounding like a Diet Dr. Pepper commercial, it really does taste much more like the original version than I thought it would.  And for only ONE points plus per tablespoon, it works with anything.

I VERYHIGHLYEXTREMLEYMUCH recommend giving it a try if you're a mayonnaise person like me. 


  1. I have to agree, Miracle Whip is disgusting!! Best food's is da bomb!

  2. Hellman's Light does rock! But I will also admit I eat Miracle Whip Light too. It just depends on what I'm using it for or what sandwich it goes on. I hate to hear MW referred to as mayo. It's so not. Hellman's on a good turkey, tommy, onion ... yummm!

  3. I've been using Hellman's light for years. I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything!

  4. There are lots of things I enjoy that are reduced fat and Hellman's light is one. Mostly, the no fat versions of anything are not worth the effort. I'd rather have a dry salad than no fat ranch dressing that tastes like glue. Sure I tasted glue when I was a kid. :)

  5. Mayonnaise sandwiches! Yummy!! It's like I could have written that first two paragraphs of your post! Even when I'd go out and buy a sandwich, I would ask what mayo they used; if it wasn't Hellmann's, I'd get the sandwich dry. I was just as surprised to find that the Hellmann's Light tastes soooo good and so much like the regular. :)

  6. I haven't tried it-we use the Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil. When it's time to replace I will definitely try the Hellman's.

  7. I am doing low-carb so I eat full strength mayonnaise. I will try Hellman's. I am not too picky at present - often buy the store brand.

  8. I like both (it's that strange). Glad you found a product that makes your WW life easier :)

  9. Fat free mayonnaise is repulsive, so I'm glad to hear this. I'll give it a try!

  10. I hate mayo, but I still left an award for you .. check

  11. *New Follower*
    I agree that mayo is one of the best ever inventions....and I mean EVER! Sadly I don't get to have it muh eaither anymore......I can also say that bak in the day I would definately enjoy mayo sandwiches!

  12. I followed a link to your blog from birchgirl (42 is a magic number.) I have to stick up for Miracle Whip, it is the best ;) Then again, I am not a mayo fan so that could explain my lack in taste. LOL! I look forward to reading your blog.


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