So without further ado, here are last week's goals. I'll discuss how each one went:
1) 120 oz of water DAILY. No Exceptions (Or FattyBoobaLatty will kick my rear).
This one went AWESOME! I have this 20 oz Bubba Keg mug that is green and I love it. What I've been doing (since I have the luxury of working from home) is making six check marks on the dry erase board we have on the refrigerator. Each time I drink a full 20 oz from the cup and refill, I erase one of the check marks so I know how many cups I have left to drink. The first few days, I had my water intake done by around 3pm. It stretched out longer through the week, but at least I got it done (yesterday I didn't get done with it until after 7pm). I've also told my husband what the checkmarks are for, so he helps me stay accountable with that too.
2) Three days of QUALITY gym workouts. No phoning it in. Make the minutes count!
Done and done. Actually (totally tooting my own horn here) I got in an extra workout yesterday morning at the gym that was really really good!
3) At least 2 long walks with the kiddos. Tires them out, gets me some movement. Everyone wins
This one was a bit of a bust. But in all fairness (this is not an excuse) we had excellent weather on Monday and Tuesday so I ran around with the kids in the backyard and we played a lot. Then starting on Wednesday (I think it was Wednesday) it started SNOWING again. It's been 30 or below ever since.
4) Stay within my daily Weight Watchers PointsPlus range for the entire week.
This is a yes. However, on Friday I did dip into my weekly points. I still have 34 (of the 49 alloted to me) left. I still consider this goal met.
5) Blog once a day (because I totally know you guys miss me when I don't HA!!)
This is something I've stuck to every day except for yesterday. And yesterday, I just didn't have anything to say. So this is a partial win. Friday's post kind of revolutionized me a bit, and also made me truly realize that I love blogging. I never thought I would, but I really and truly do - mostly in part because I love interacting with everyone via the comments. That's another thing I did this week blog-wise. I installed the CommentLuv plugin on my blog so that I could reply to your comments. I love the interaction that provides.
6) Do something nice for myself each day
This one, well....this one's the hardest for me. I know I did this a few days but then I sort of shoved this one under the rug. This will definitely be something I will work on again this week.
So overall, I think this past week was a success. Here are my goals for the coming week:
- 120oz + of water consumed each day
- Stay within my daily WW PointsPlus range each day (this will not be a week I'll dip into my weekly allotment)
- No Secret Snacking
- 3 Quality Gym workouts / 2 sessions of Yoga at home
- Do something nice for myself each day (and document it to share next week)
120oz + of water consumed each day
I think this one's self-explanatory
Stay within my daily WW PointsPlus range each day (this will not be a week I'll dip into my weekly allotment)
For the 100daychipquest this is one of my goals. I allow myself one week out of the month to dip into my weekly points. This will not be one of those weeks.
No Secret Snacking
This is also one of my 100daychipquest goals. This means that if I wouldn't eat it in front of my husband, children, or even a stranger, then I don't eat it. I have a bad habit of "sneaking" food. My brain somehow things (it's sick, I know) that if someone doesn't see me eat it, then it doesn't count.
3 Quality Gym workouts / 2 sessions of Yoga at home
This one is also self-explanatory
Do something nice for myself each day (and document it to share next week)
On my to-do list each day, I'll add this and then write it down when I do so that I'll remember it for next week's post.
And there ya have it. Make me stick to my goals! If you'd like to participate, just steal the graphic above and make sure to put a link to FattyBoobaLatty's blog - Fatty Made A Funny to give her credit for the idea!! What are your goals for the week?
Have a great one!!
I LOVE THIS. You two are cracking me up, and I'm very VERY proud that you guys are making some big changes to your weekly routine!