Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Enjoying Summer.....For The First Time!!

I've always been the girl that's said, "UGH!  I *HATE* summer!"  and I've always meant it.  I hated sweating, the heat, that stupid big yellow ball in the sky.  I'd say, "Give me a gloomy rainy afternoon ANY day!"  I meant that too.

Do you know why?

Mostly it's because on dark and gloomy afternoons, you don't have to do anything.  It's perfectly acceptable to sit inside on the couch and watch movies or lose yourself in a book.  Getting uninterrupted time to read a book is sort of like gold in this house.  It's certainly at a premium, that's for sure.  On dark, gloomy, rainy afternoons there's no guilt for shutting yourself inside and not moving yourself.  You don't feel bad for telling the kids, "Sorry - we're not going to play outside today" because there's a real reason.  You don't have to say the real reason which is, "Mommy doesn't want to get up."  "Mommy doesn't feel like it."

I'd always avoid summer by saying I preferred being inside in the air conditioning (not a total lie).  The truth, though, is much more lazy - I didn't want to DO anything.  I didn't want to sweat.  I didn't want to go outside and garden.  I didn't want to go for walks.  I didn't want to do a damn thing and I certainly didn't want to wear shorts, or tank tops or anything that called more attention to my weight.

But this year.....this year has been different.

I have been outside more this summer more than any other summer in recent memory.  We've gone outside to play.  I signed my daughter up for swimming lessons.  We booked a summer cruise.  We've done some gardening.  And you want to know what else?  I've even been wearing a tank top to the pool while the girls have their lessons.  I've got the sunburn to prove it (I'm not used to the sun!).  The other day I went for a walk/jog in 94 degree weather and felt FANTASTIC.  And you know what?  I feel so freaking good.  I feel so liberated.  I feel like summer is becoming one of my favorite seasons (look out, Autumn!!) 

Hey Summer - I love your guts!

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