Wednesday, October 12, 2011

#Shrinkvivor Check In *and* Stuff Just Got Real Up In Here

Today's the second weigh-in for the challenge I'm involved in over at The Sisterhood of The Shrinking Jeans.  It's called "Shrinkvivor" based on the reality program of a similar name.  I really don't want to be kicked out of my tribe but it may just be a reality this week.
On my first check in last week, I had lost 4.6 pounds from our initial weigh-in!  Success!  This week?  Not so much.  I could make 6,000 excuses about why I gained (yes, you read that right - GAINED) 1.8 pounds since last Wednesday (which honestly f's with my mind because my Weight Watchers WI day is Saturday, but whatever) but the fact remains that the decisions I've made regarding those Devil Cookies (Strawberry Shortcake Cookies - my own invention.  Maybe I'm the Devil) were all mine. My exercise was good-ish (new word!) but could have been better-ish (another one - two in the same sentence!)

So what's all this mean?  It means I took a minute to update my Weight Loss Spreadsheet that I keep.  I hadn't updated it since late August because, you know, it wasn't pretty.  But I sat down and updated it anyway.  You can see all the dirty truths on my "Progress" page, which you can find at the top of the blog.  But the long and short of it is I been in the 30 Pounds Lost club since JUNE 20TH.  I have been losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for THREE AND A HALF MONTHS.  And that, my friends, mean I've been a Half-Asser.

In updating my spreadsheet I also realized that I started recording my weigh ins A YEAR AGO.  10/4/10 was my first one and while I will certainly take 35 pounds lost in a year because that's a hell of a lot less than I weighed last year at this time, I know in my heart I can do better than this. And aren't I trying to teach my children that if you're going to do something, do it with passion and drive?

So, all I can say right now is that I'm going to push harder.  I'm going to keep this all in mind during the moments that I feel week (like with those stupid damn cookies, or when I feel stressed out).  I want more for myself.  I want more for my family - and nobody's going to give it to me.


So here's me, setting off all fresh and stuff....ready to earn it!


  1. First of all, Happy Belated Healthaversary!! You've made a lot of progress in the past year, and not just with your weight. I'm proud of you!

    I hear you on the half-assing, and I, too, resolve to make a fresh start and earn my health. :)

  2. Be proud for what you have done so far! You have some really great 'stickwithitness' (new word?)

    There are lots of people that you inspire (me, for instance). You've been keeping up with it, regardless of what life may throw your way. I quit last time because I didn't win that stupid contest...huge mistake. I keep imagining where I'd be today if I didn't quit.

    The great thing is that you continue to fight!

  3. Excellent mindset, you can do this.... nothing like updating your info to see what you've been doing, or not doing, to remind you that you are worth it!

  4. You HAVE done well so far. Okay, maybe you could've done better (a lot of us CAN do better) but you HAVE done well! You are and continue to be an inspiration to others that are trying to lose weight. And you know what you have to do to get where you want to be. You can do this. Without a doubt. :)

  5. its so hard when you keep bouncing around those same few pounds - i'm there too. but you're right. the decision to change and be more focused can only come from within.

  6. Good for you! Go for the gold!


  7. I have been doing the same thing with 5 lbs...lose it gain it back! It's like hamsters on a wheel and I just keep running. Attitude is such a big part of weight loss and I know we can change our attitudes so the scales goes down next week!

  8. You're not the only one that gained this week.. I'm up 1.6lbs. I hope you're not exiled, either.. but I think I'm heading to Exile Island too, so maybe we can help each other out. :)

  9. I hear what you are saying....I've been down 30 ish pounds for around 2 years and can't seem to break through to lose more. I'm up this week too, so here's to losing weight this week!! and keeping it off which is even more important in the grand scheme of things!

  10. Shrinvivor! That's a good one! Keep motivated and you'll reach your goal.

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