Thursday, December 1, 2011

#resound11 Post 1 - One Word

I'm participating in a little project called #resound11 that my pal Jaemie kicked into gear mostly because....well, I like Jaemie and I'll trust her judgement that this will be a good experiment.  Many folks were upset over not having a repeat of something called #reverb10 isn't going to be happening this year and that this #resound11 will sort of be the same thing.  What the hell, I'll play along!

Today's Subject:

"What is one word that you would use to describe your 2011? Why does that word sum up your year? (We'll be writing about our one word for 2012 later, so just focus on this year!)"

My one word to sum up the past year?  SUPPORT

When starting this weight loss journey I never would have thought I'd get the support that I have this past year.  I've made online friends that I know will last a lifetime.  That's good for a girl who's not so great at making friends out there in the real world.  There's folks from twitter I talk to EVERY DAY via text and we support each other, cry on each other's shoulders, celebrate each other's victories and listen to each other rant about the goings on of our lives. 

And there are people I talk to less frequently who are just as wonderful to me.  When I reach out on Twitter, I ALWAYS get a response.  It's quite honestly amazing.  The awesome folks who read my blog?  Incredible.  You're all part of this network of support that keeps me going when I don't want to anymore.  I've been in a funk since early JUNE, folks.  And why am I still keepin' on keepin' on?  Because of all of you and the folks on Twitter that help me out daily.

Without the great support system I've cultivated over the past year, I'd still be 262.0 pounds and miserable every day of my life.

You all mean THE WORLD to me.


  1. you are absolutely right about support being important. i wrote about my 'one word' over on my blog and then was checking out other resound11 folks. great work on your weight loss and believe me i know it wasn't easy. check out my post as my word was DIFFICULT

  2. Isn't the net fabulous? :) Funny that there are still those out there who think that online friendships are meaningless.

    This is my first time here. I found you through #resound11 and will keep popping by to see how the prompts are going for you! :)


  3. p.s. Congrats on losing so much weight! :)

  4. Yay! Have a told you lately how much I appreciate your friendship and support? As much as we tend to fall apart at the same time, I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything. Not even a smokin' hot bod. OK, maybe I'd trade it for Ian Somerhalder, but I'm sure you'd understand.

  5. Thanks for all the support you have given me through the last year.


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