Tuesday, September 18, 2012

You Have To Be Ready

Today's the day, folks.  Today is the day that Jean and I march our asses into the Weight Watchers meeting at 5pm and officially commit to doing some changing in our lives.  We've spent the past few week communicating about our excitement over all of this and today is the day that it all starts.

The thing is, you have to be ready.  You have to admit to yourself most of all that you're ready to put in the hard work it will take (because face it, y'all, it's some damn hard work) to make the changes that will alter your life.


It's huge isn't it?  Of course it is.  Just wanting it isn't enough.  You have to be willing to do what it takes and combine that desire for change to actually do anything. 

And stepping into a meeting room might not sound like a commitment but it's a symbol of changing the past four years of me saying, "I can't go to meetings.  I can do this on my own."

It's ok to say "I need help."  It's ok to say, "I need to lean on you."  It's ok to realize that doing monumental things with your life means a lot more when you admit that you have what it takes to not only change yourself, but to also help change another person and accept their help in return.


  1. Colleen, I'm so very thankful to have you as a very good friend in my life...I think of you often and I absolutely love reading your blogs and fb posts they always make me smile...This blog totally gives me inspiration and makes me kick my self in da behind and say get with the program too. I have fallen off the band wagon soo much and I so want to just get on and stay on and do my thing. So thank you for this Blog and Thank you for an awesome friendship that we do have...Wishing you all the best at Weight Watchers and we can do this.:-)

    1. Thanks Amy! I'm so glad to have you in my life too! Let me know how I can help you as well. Lots of love to you and the family!

  2. I'm glad that you're finally able to go to meetings! More importantly, I'm glad that you're learning that it's ok to ask for and accept help. It's tough to admit when we're struggling, but having someone to help you through it makes such a difference.

    1. You know how I am with help. You offer some of the best! So glad you're my pal!

  3. Wow, that was so well written!! Could not agree more. And sometimes it's the little things that make up a commitment like this. You can do it, you're ready to!

    1. Thank you so much. I need to write more - it really does help me!

  4. Did you make it to Weight Watchers?

    1. I did! Just updated my blog today to tell about it!

  5. I am glad to have stumbled on this blog. This post specifically is inspirational! I have around 65 lbs to lose but I'd settle for 50. And you're spot on. Wanting isn't enough. Thanks for this! And thanks for sharing your journey with us.

    1. I have 100+ to lose but I've learned that the amount you have to lose doesn't really matter if you take it 10 pounds at a time! You can do this!


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