Friday, October 15, 2010

I love you, Friday!

My muscles are sore today but I kind of like that. Jillian did, indeed, kick my rump yesterday but she and I have another date today while the kiddos nap and my goal is to be better at the workout than yesterday and stop fewer times to catch my breath a little. I just want to be a little better every day. Before I know it, I'll be rockin' the house.

Thing is, I don't want to be "thin" or "skinny." I just want to be healthy. My oldest daughter is in Kindergarten. I never, ever, want her or my youngest daughter to be teased because her mother is fat. Kids are cruel, I know it would eventually happen. I want them to see mommy being healthy and have the desire to be healthy too. I want to be their good example.

Today is a great day! Today is another gift we can choose to either use wisely in our fitness and all other choices or not. Make every moment count because if you don't, aren't you just wasting them?

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