Sunday, February 6, 2011

30 Days of Pictures - Day 23

Day 23 - "A picture of your favorite book"

This is kind of tough for me. I really enjoy reading, but with 2 kids, a home to take care of, and essentially 2 full time jobs, it's hard to find the time. The last book I completed, though, was AWESOME. It was "Under The Dome" by Stephen King and it was well over 1000 pages. I read it (mostly) before bed each night. I really love the way King develops characters and brings them to life. Character-driven stories are what I like the most, and I tend to like "modern" books more than the classics. Although, truthfully, I should give some of the classics another go as I tried to read them in my early 20s. I have grown to understand that over time, my tastes have changed quite a lot!

When I first moved to the midwest to be with my (now) husband, who is an avid Stephen King fan, "Well, I liked Misery ok, but I'm not really a huge Stephen King fan." And so, he set out to prove me wrong about that and had me read Desperation. My take on Stephen King changed after that.

Aron and I like to read books "together" - he'll read a copy and I'll read a different copy at the same time and we discuss it while we're reading it. It's great fun and always makes me enjoy a book even more.

The book I'm r
eading currently is I Am Ozzy - the autobiography of Ozzy Osbourne. Aron picked it up from the library and read it in a few days and recommended that I read it as well. I'm SO glad that I am. It's wildly entertaining and touching at the same time. I am really enjoying it - and I'm almost done with it.

I like to think that we're fostering a love of reading and books in our children. We read bedtime stories each night to them. Len, who is 2 currently prefers a good "I Spy" book. Lil, who is 6, has been CRAZY for the Junie B. Jones books, so we've been reading a few chapters of Junie each night too.

Still to come....because I know you're on the edge of your seat with anticipation:

23. A picture of your favorite book
24. A picture of something you wish you could change
25. A picture of your day
26. A picture of something that means a lot to you
27. A picture of yourself and a family member
28. A picture of something your afraid of
29. A picture that can always make you smile
30. A picture of someone you miss


  1. I am a big Stephen King fan also. Right now I am reading Blue Zones and Born To Run, which are non fiction.

  2. Oooh, I think im gloing to buy ozzies book on my kindle, thx

  3. I read Pet Cemetery and it scared my socks off! Of course I was probably 17 at the time. You should try the Magic Tree House books for your 6 year old. My kids have loved them.

  4. Susie, you will love it!! Let me know what you think!

    I have not heard of the Magic Tree House books but I will definitely check them out!!

  5. Thanks for the recommendations, Colleen. I've always beeen wondering about Under the Dome, but haven't read it yet. Ozzy is always good for a hoot too. I think it's cool that you and your hubby read the book at the same time and discuss - awesome. My hubby ususally reads a book after me or vice versa, but that isn't the same. Great idea.

  6. Thanks for the recommendations, Colleen. I've always beeen wondering about Under the Dome, but haven't read it yet. Ozzy is always good for a hoot too. I think it's cool that you and your hubby read the book at the same time and discuss - awesome. My hubby ususally reads a book after me or vice versa, but that isn't the same. Great idea.

  7. Susie, you will love it!! Let me know what you think!

    I have not heard of the Magic Tree House books but I will definitely check them out!!

  8. I am a big Stephen King fan also. Right now I am reading Blue Zones and Born To Run, which are non fiction.


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