Monday, February 7, 2011


I've been absent today - absent from writing and absent from reading all my favorite blogs. I've been nursing a sick daughter back to health....well, we're almost there, anyway. It was a long night last night and I've been pretty much "unplugged" most of the day.

I will catch up with all of you tomorrow, though, I promise.

News on the weight loss front, though - I weighed in this morning with a loss of 2.4 pounds, which makes my loss a total of 11.4 - I am feeling very good about pushing past that 10 pounds lost mark.

I don't know how many of you have read my incentives chart over there on the left hand column somewhere, but my first incentive for 10 pounds lost was fresh flowers on for the kitchen table....which I reached in NOVEMBER. I'm not going to re-reward myself (totally just made that word up), but rather I'm looking ahead to the next goal I'll achieve - which is another 10 pounds (well, technically another 8.6 pounds, but who's counting? ME! I'm counting!) for a total of 20 pounds lost. I'm not sure what magazine I'll subscribe to, though. Perhaps the Weight Watchers magazine. I enjoyed it the last time I got it - maybe I should subscribe to it as my reward.

I hope you are all well and happy. How was your Monday? Mine was FABULOUS (other than the sick child thing). Eating-wise, I couldn't be more pleased with my efforts. Exercise - well, I stayed home this morning with Len - I felt she needed me more than I needed to go to the gym. Going to make up for it tomorrow, though.


  1. Wow, you are on fire. Poor sick, girly, but yeah for her mommy. I hope she feels well soon. I can totally feel your excitemen, Colleen. Have fun re-rewarding yourself. PS - I downloaded Under the Dome last night on my Kindle. Looking forward to reading it.

  2. I'm so proud of you - that's AWESOME!!!

    I'm going to subscribe to the Taste of Home Healthy Cooking magazine... just because I got a free subscription with my new cookbook. I'm excited to start cooking even more yummy recipes.

    I can't wait to push past that 10lb mark.. and you've really inspired me to just keep trucking no matter what is bringing me down (or up). :)

  3. Good job on the weight loss. I love fresh flowers too!

  4. Just found your blog.

    Congrats on the weight loss! It's amazing how even just 10 pounds can make such a difference!


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