Thursday, December 29, 2011

I'm Not Gone

I haven't been here, that's obvious.

I haven't abandoned blogging, that is not so obvious.

I've had things going on, just like everyone else with a pulse.  I'm climbing out of the abyss and I'm mentally forming a plan to tackle 2012.

One thing I will be doing with more regularity is blogging.  Truth is:  I need you guys way more than you need me.  I've put back on approximately 10 pounds.  I'm sorting through some mental stuff. 

But I'll get there.  I'll beat this.  I know in my heart that I will. 

And I'll be ok. 

2012 is going to rock, ya'll.  Just you wait and see.

Who's with me?


  1. I'm with ya! I've put back on about 15 lbs myself and I'm so ready to get back on track with my WW and working out. I don't know why I ever get OFF track when I feel so much better when I'm doing what is healthy for me to do. Better luck in the coming year to figuring it out I suppose. lol

  2. I am! Let's rock 2012!

  3. I am in the same boat. I plan on getting back to blogging on New Year's. I can't wait to reads more of your posts.

  4. Happy New Year.
    This is the year to BELIEVE!


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