When did you feel most at home this year: in your life, in your space, in your career, in your skin? What factors make that situation feel like home? Do certain comforts make your space feel like home? Does being with certain people make you feel complete? Is there an activity in which you excel that makes you feel like you're doing what you were meant to do?
This is your life. Where do you live? Where is home?
I used to think that "home" was the house I grew up in, even after I moved 750 miles away from it in 1998. But after my father died in 2001, I didn't feel that way any longer. Walking into that house didn't feel like home any more. It just felt like walking into a house. Someone else's full of someone else's memories.
Where is home? In my house, where I can lay eyes on all three of my most favorite people - my husband and two daughters. We all spend so much time together that it feels strange not to be near them. I work from home as does my husband. So we're always here. Just having them in the same space as me makes me realize I can endure anything....I can get through anything because I have the love of three brilliant people to help me through my darkest of dark days.
If we are in a hotel on vacation....that's home. Anywhere I can be with them is home.....they are truly my safe place.
Love this!! Thanks for the reminder that it's the people in our lives that make all the difference!