I posted yesterday about how I'm doing with my own personal water challenge and what step I want to take next back on the road to my goals. And while I may not be matching the superstar water intake of some, I'm doing what's best for me right now. I know myself better than to think if I say, "I better drink a gazillion ounces of water every day or I will fail" that I will, indeed fail.
On my personal Facebook page, I got a lovely comment from a dear friend who I have never even met. She is married to an old college friend and I just know that judging by how much love and light she has brought into his world that she is an amazing person indeed. Her comment was a surprise to me, as I often think that maybe this blog isn't read by a lot of people I "know." Her comment went like this:
"Colleen, you are a inspiration to all women who struggle with weight loss/gain... The up & down game of weight. Keep up the great work & try to enjoy the journey along the way ;) I'm currently fighting the same battle as you, gained 92 pounds during my pregnancy ( refused to take any pictures of my self preggo) & have since been dedicated to no longer being the " fat girl" & have in the past 9 months lost 74 pounds ;) I can breath better, look better & wear more than the same 3 outfits on a daily basis ;) you gave me courage & your blog speaks from the heart.... I'm now currently wanting to have another baby but am so scared about the weight gain again ;( I'm growing stronger everyday tho- and just wanted you to know that you are a big reason why! Keep going & all of us at home are routing you on!"
I don't know what to say other than....WOW. I am just in awe of this woman who is doing what it takes to get where she's going and that she thinks *I'M* an inspiration. It brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful remind that, even if I'm not an "inspiration" in my own head, that people read what I have to say & get off my chest and it helps them.
Time to get my ass going and FEEL like I can inspire others.
And a special, heartfelt thanks to the beautiful lady in upstate NY with the hockey-loving husband and beautiful little girl. YOU, my dear, are the one inspiring ME.
:) That is a wonderful comment, moments like that make this a little more worth it. Keep going and never give up!