My Successes:
- I won a blog re-design from the fabulous April Showers. I LOVE the new look of my blog. Looking at it feels like home.
- I started using Twitter as an effective means of weight loss support.
- I felt feelings of success and pride about my efforts
- I explored my feelings of inadequacy and failure. I still struggle with them but acknowledging them was a huge step
- I tried to help people start their own weight loss journey by exploring why and how I started.
- I tried (and ultimately failed) to reach 100 days in a row of healthy eating. But this challenge introduced me to Jessie, one of my very best friends. I love her (busted) guts.
- I started exploring the idea of weekly goals, which is something I'd like to get back to.
- I had a good bit of Revolutionary Thinking. I realized what works for me and I made it work.
- I started guest posting on other blogs
- Monthly goals also became important to me
- I tracked what I ate like a fiend.
- I helped my daughter struggle with her body image because of the comments of another student (in Kindergarten!)
- I showed off my weight loss so far at my father-in-law's wedding
- I explored picking myself up & dusting myself off after a binge
- I delved deeper into the complex feelings I have for my mother and the effect I've let them have on my life.
- I decided "I never try anything, I just do it."
- I explored the Psychology of My Weight Loss
- I turned 36
- I tried to put together a healthy road trip with my family
- I finally acknowledged my addiction to food
- I dug deeper into the Psychology of My Weight Loss in relation to control
- I discovered a sort-of love of shopping for clothing
- I had a revelation about my tendency to binge
- I changed my weigh-in day to Saturday
- I discovered that I love summer - and my new shoulders
- I started running and bought real running shoes
- I started loving myself and letting myself be happy.
- I took a cruise to The Bahamas with my family & wore a 2 piece bathing suit IN PUBLIC!
- I got back on track with my running training after vacation
- I hit a patch of depression but climbed back out of it
- I ran for 20 minutes consecutively
- I began participating in the Shrinkvivor Challenge
- I completed my first 5k race with a time of 39:45
- I taught people how to make their own laundry soap
- I posted my first (and so far only) VLOG
- I tried to get on track by Putting Up or Shutting Up ( mostly I shut up)
- I still couldn't seem to get on track (but I got to thinking about why)
- I tried really hard to keep up with the #resound11 prompts, but my outlook got the better of me and I was diagnosed with depression and am being treated for it.
- I decided on 12 goals for the year 2012 (one each month)
I tried to end the year on an optimistic note
I'm not setting any resolutions, but I will work on the monthly goals I outlined in my #resound11 post about goals for the coming year. The way the past month has gone, it would be easy to say that 2011 was a failure. I lost 27 pounds in one year. I choose to see that as a positive. I know I can do better in 2012 and all I can say right now is that I'll put forth the effort.
Please join me. Let's build an incredible community of support!
Love, peace & happiness to all of you out there! Let's rock the hell out of 2012!!