Sunday, March 13, 2011

I received TWO awards!

 I received the Versatile Blogger Award from:
Maria at Maria's Musings
Birchgirl at 42 Is A Magic Number

Thanks to both of these wonderful bloggers for handing out this award to me!!  I truly appreciate it! 

And in keeping with tradition, I will give you 7 little-known facts about me (though that might be hard since I just blab everything about myself as it comes to my head!).

1) I was once kissed on the eye by singer Freddy Fender (google him).  I was 4 or 5 years old and my mother made him do it.
2) Being in complete darkness terrifies me
3) I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
4) I'm not afraid to tell my children I'm sorry if I've acted in a way that warrants an apology.
5) I have a hard time admitting I'm wrong
6) I get scared in the shower because I can't hear what's going on around me, yet I crank my iPod when I workout.
7) My husband still makes me feel all butterfly-ish inside.

I'd like to pass this award on to my friend FattyBoobaLatty at Fatty Made A Funny because I adore her humor and honesty and I have a sneaking suspicion that she and I have a lot in common.  I'm also handing it out to Sandra at Do Life Differently because I adore her witty posts.  She's always got a word of encouragement for me when I need it.

Thanks guys!!


  1. Congratulations on the awards. I too have trouble admitting I am wrong. It rarely happens. :-) Have you ever seen that cat poster where the caption says "I once thought I had made a mistake but I was wrong" ? It's kind of cute. I need to be more aware of others' feelings because I tend to be unaware of that kind of person who seems to wear his/her feelings on the shirtsleeves to me. I am definitely left brain and right brain people who tend to be emotional and outraged puzzle me.

  2. Congratulations on the awards. I too have trouble admitting I am wrong. It rarely happens. :-) Have you ever seen that cat poster where the caption says "I once thought I had made a mistake but I was wrong" ? It's kind of cute. I need to be more aware of others' feelings because I tend to be unaware of that kind of person who seems to wear his/her feelings on the shirtsleeves to me. I am definitely left brain and right brain people who tend to be emotional and outraged puzzle me.


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