Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye, 2012 - Goodbye, Goodbye Fat Girl

I have renamed my blog.  I think in part because I have felt like such a failure at it.  Saying Goodbye to the fat girl inside of me (who just happens to be visible from the outside at the moment as well) is going to take a lot more than blogging.  It's going to take some reinventing of's going to take time - because....and I've faced this......I'm not fat just because I like food, or because I like to cook.

I have issues.

Chances are you do too.  Are you aiming to reinvent yourself too?  Join me.  Let's do this thing together, yeah?  We're going to succeed.  We're going to fail sometimes.  But let's just take a step or two.


  1. I think your new blog name is a great one. And I definitely have issues as well. :)

  2. Of course, working out is one of the most obvious ways to keep great shape. But there are also other, easy and effective tips. According to fitness instructors, avoiding stress (especially, not eating while stressed) and stretching in the morning would definitely help. You can see also other tips at


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