Monday, April 18, 2011

Friend Making Monday - 4/18/11

If you've taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you're new, please take a moment to answer this week's question on your own blog then add a link at the bottom of this post so we can all see your post. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Be sure to head back to Kenz's blog - All The Weigh and check out the rest!

FMM: The Grocery Store

1. Do you make a list when you go grocery shopping? Do you stick to it?  I make a list, alright.  The trouble is that I don't always include everything on the list and I ALWAYS have to make a mid-week stop at the supermarket to pick up what I've forgotten

2. Do you buy more groceries when you're hungry?   Always.  I try to go right after breakfast on a Saturday.

3. Coupons. Use 'em?  I go through cycles.  Every 2 years or so I get all hardcore about how I'm going to start using coupons and shopping the sale flyer but it lasts about 2 weeks.  We only have 2 places to get groceries in my town:  WalMart and the supermarket that is way too expensive.

4. Have you ever complained to the manager of your grocery store?  No

5. Do you like to buy groceries at huge chain stores like Wal-Mart and Target? Or do you shop exclusively at food stores?  We used to have a Kroger I liked (they doubled coupons) but when the super WalMart was built, it sort of drove them out of business.  I'd LOVE a Trader Joe's or another option like that closer to where I live!

6. How much time do you spend reading labels in the grocery store?  I buy the same things every week, it seems.  I take along my Weight Watchers points calculator just in case I need to compare something.

7. Do you push your own grocery cart to the car and return it? When I go to WalMart, yes.  When I go to the supermarket, they have people that push your cart to your car and load your groceries for you.  That always makes me feel strange.

8. What is the one food item you always buy at the grocery store that you must have in the kitchen? Yogurt

9. Do you enjoy grocery shopping? Sometimes.  I usually have my kids with me, and that can be fun.  But I will confess that it's BLISS to have that alone time to shop by myself.  I don't have to rush because someone has to go to the bathroom, or explain 86 times why we can't fill the cart with chocolate and cookies.

If you participate, please put your link in a comment!  I'd love to see everyone else's answers!

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