Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Healthy Travels

I'm gearing up to take a road trip with my family for a nice visit with some of my family & friends I haven't seen in a while.  My first thought upon planning this trip was that my healthy eating / fitness plan would go out the window because "it's vacation!"  Oh no - not true.  While I do think I'll probably eat things I wouldn't normally eat in my day to day life, I'm not throwing my plan out a bit,  In fact, I'm ADAPTING MY TRIP to my fitness goals.  We picked a hotel with a gym and pool, plus I plan on doing one of those new-fangled P90X/Insanity super workouts with my brother, Lou.

It's a thirteen-ish hour drive (with two kids!  Hey-yo!) but instead of stopping for dinner on the way out there, we're packing dinner to save on calories....AND cash.  There will be lots of walking involved.  But you want to know what my biggest plan for success is?  I'll let you in on the secret....I'm sure you won't tell.

I PLAN TO FOCUS ON THE EXPERIENCE, NOT THE FOOD.  While there will be some childhood favorites available that I can't get at home in IL (mmm...Zweigle's White Hots....Abbott's Frozen Custard...Molson Beer - ok, that one wasn't from childhood) and I will be consuming some of each, I don't have to lose my freaking mind.

I look forward to telling you about the trip once it's over.  I'm so excited I could pee my pants.

What are some of your favorite healthy travel snacks besides fruit?

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