Monday, December 5, 2011

#resound11 Post 3 - "Virtues"

For entry 3 of #resound11 post, I'm to write about the following:

What good have you done in 2011? Where do you really shine? What have you done that makes you proud of yourself?

The one place in my life where I really shine is motherhood.  I'm not perfect, that's for sure.  But it is the one aspect of my life I don't mind taking a compliment for and the one place in my life, above all others, that I feel is the most important.

Each day may not be pretty or perfect but my children know they're loved.  They know they can count on me.  They know that I would never hurt them on purpose and that they always have somewhere safe to come.  They know I will always take the time to snuggle with them or listen to them when they have something they need to say.  They know that they are part of a family who functions as a unit and that cares about each other and looks out for each other.

Not all children have that. 

They know what "mother" is supposed to mean.  They know that no matter what, I'll be here for them and love them.


  1. What a wonderful virtue. :) You are an awesome mom. And pal.

  2. And that's the most important thing of all.

  3. Cutie them up, they grow up so fast!


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