Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I kind of don't believe in them.  I never have thought that the beginning to a new year is the perfect time to make a change.  I get that it's symbolic and I'm not saying I haven't made them.  I'm just saying they don't work for me.

I have seen a lot of folks say, "JANUARY FIRST - I'M GOING TO GET HEALTHY!"  And you know what I say to that?  That's awesome.  Good for you!  And I mean that.  I just know that when I say on a certain date I'm going to start eating healthy it's basically just a pass to eat with wild abandon until then. And when the date draws nearer, I get scared because that means - I have to give all this up.  All this "comfort" (which is anything but comfortable and borders more on shame than anything). 

All I can do today is give being in control and aware of myself my best effort.  That may seem like a cop-out to some, and that's ok to.  I just know myself.  I know the lies I tell myself (and others) when it comes to food.  And I know that this step is what I can handle today.  Just this one.

What steps will you / have you taken?


  1. I am not big on resolutions, but I find it easier to get back on track on January 1st because quite frankly I am just sick of food. My body is practically begging me to be healthier.

  2. If you are planning your diet and trainings, check out this blog: For me it's an excellent source of information on fitness and right nutrition. I've learned there a lot of things which helped me organize my trainings and eating habits.


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