Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Potato Salad, You Can Kindly Release The Hold You Have on Me

So last night I made vegetarian chili-dogs for supper and potato salad. Potato salad is one of those things that, for me, is a specialized kind of dish. I LOVE it. I mean, what's not to love? Potatoes, mayo, egg, crunchy celery, more mayo and a little mustard (plus celery seed, salt and pepper). But, I must admit, I'm sort of a potato salad snob. I don't really like anyone else's potato salad. And I don't make it often because I love it so much I could probably eat the whole bowl.

I admit my trepidation while making the salad last night (and might I say, I'm pretty proud of myself for snacking on celery stalks while I cooked. I'm traditionally a "eat a lot while cooking" kind of person. Celery stalks I can live with. So I'm freaking out a little while making the potato salad. But then I stupid. It's potato salad for crap's sake. Potato-freaking-salad. I don't HAVE to eat it all. In fact, just to show it who's boss, I'm going to eat a NORMAL portion. And I did.

I am proud of the day I had yesterday. I rock.

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