Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Guest Blog Post - from Journey To Fitness

Today I thought I'd have a guest blogger stop by. Today's guest blogger is Lou (who happens to be my big brother). Lou runs things over at Journey To Fitness and is an Independent Beachbody Coach (Beachbody are the fine folks who bring you such things as Shakeology and the wildly popular P90X workout system). Here's Lou's take on what I call "flogging" - or, in other words, keeping a food journal.

Apocolypse of Food (write it down!)
Fear may be the mindkiller, but food is the workout killer.

What do i mean by that? Well someone can workout all the time, but if they eat Twinkies like they are going out of style then they should not expect much weight loss.

I use one of those fancy city boy iPhone apps to track my calories. And that's all well and good when i use it. Thing is, that its easy to get sidetracked. You have to make an effort to write down your food everyday. During the week its easy to do because i have a decent structure with work and after work family activities. Its even easy to stay away from the sweets at work. See, I work in an office and there are always candy, and cookies and cake and some kind of other boatloads of crap temping people to eat poorly. But what happens during the weekend?

Well you see the weekend is more loosely scheduled and I forget to write my food intake into my fancy app. So what good does the app do if you only write down food during the week when you are good and not during the weekend when you are eating garbage?? So its an effort of discipline. I'm just trying to make it a habit of inputting the data once I'm done eating. even if that means I'm away from home.

My calorie goal is around 2000 calories a day. and I figure that's a good amount to get since I'm doing beach body's Insanity (gratuitous plug: you can get Insanity and any other beach body product from me, your humble beach body coach) which burns about 1000 calories a workout.

But hey, wait a minute, why write your food intake down anyway?

From Health News via ediets:
“The more food records people kept, the more weight they lost,” said Kaiser Permanente lead author Jack Hollis Ph.D. “Those who kept daily food records lost twice as much weight as those who kept no records. It seems that the simple act of writing down what you eat encourages people to consume fewer calories.”

The average weight loss over 6 months was roughly 13 pounds, with more than two-thirds of the nearly 1,700 participants losing at least 9 pounds. Those who participated were asked to follow the heart-healthy DASH diet, which is rich in fruits and vegetables, attend weekly support group sessions and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, as well as tracking what they ate. Participants who used their daily food journals doubled their results." (from: http://healthnews.ediets.com/diet-weight-loss/double-your-weight-loss-write-idea.html)

That's impressive! All the more reason to write food intake down. Get started today with a fancy app for your phone or other device, do it on your computer, or go old school with a pad of paper!


  1. I love this...I use one for the blackberry (called livestrong) and it has EVERYTHING in it. It is a great tool to use when eating out to make better choices. Sometimes there is no other option for me than a drive through. I just go to tim hotons and get a strawberry yogurt and berries(140 calories and a tuna snack wrap(170 calories) rather than a big mac(540 calories) and medium fry (380 calories). Some other not-so-bad options are the egg white flatbread from dunkin donuts and fresco-style tacos from taco bell. Dont get me wrong, I know these foods are not packed with nutrition, but they are much better than so many other things in a pinch.

    Another reality for me is frozen dinners...when I am home for lunch, I am not about to cut up veggies or boil chicken-just the way it is for me. So I buy the kashi frozen dinners. They are packed with protein and topped with a little parm cheese, are pretty tastey :)

  2. Johanna, I have been using the online version of livestrong and I really like it. It's packed with pre-loaded options so I don't have to be a calorie nazi with my food packages and it gives me an idea of how many calories I "have left" to eat for the day based on my fitness goals.

    Thanks for the heads up on the not-so-bad options at drive-thrus. I'm a big believer in non-conformity and that in order to make a lifestyle work for you, it has to adapt to your LIFE. I haven't tried the Kashi dinners yet, mostly because they are not available in my area. Oh how I wish we had a Wegmans!

  3. I love this...I use one for the blackberry (called livestrong) and it has EVERYTHING in it. It is a great tool to use when eating out to make better choices. Sometimes there is no other option for me than a drive through. I just go to tim hotons and get a strawberry yogurt and berries(140 calories and a tuna snack wrap(170 calories) rather than a big mac(540 calories) and medium fry (380 calories). Some other not-so-bad options are the egg white flatbread from dunkin donuts and fresco-style tacos from taco bell. Dont get me wrong, I know these foods are not packed with nutrition, but they are much better than so many other things in a pinch.

    Another reality for me is frozen dinners...when I am home for lunch, I am not about to cut up veggies or boil chicken-just the way it is for me. So I buy the kashi frozen dinners. They are packed with protein and topped with a little parm cheese, are pretty tastey :)


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