Monday, March 21, 2011

Friend Making Monday

FMM: Giving the Boys A Chance
1. Who is your pick for the Final Four? 
I don't really watch basketball of any kind (I'm more of a hockey person) but I guess I'd root for Illinois (since I live here).  Are they even still in it?

2. What is your favorite workout/fitness activity? 
I love working on the elliptical.  It is nice for my crappy knees and gives me a good workout.

3. Do you have a favorite healthy snack? Something that REALLY hits the
I love really cold navel oranges and really cold apples.  But if I'm looking for something to satisfy my chocolate cravings, I usually turn to a Fiber One bar.  Those things are freaking awesome.

4. What is your dream car? 
I have it - it's a 2008 Toyota Sienna and I LOVE MY SWAGGER WAGON!  I never thought I'd be a minivan mom but I love it and don't know if I could ever go back to driving a small car.

5. Have you set any goals for yourself this month? What are they? 
These are the ones I outlined in a blog post at the beginning of the month.  Updates are in red.
  1. I am starting the month weighing in at 244.4.  I would like to end it at at least 235. I don't realistically think that I'll get there with this week's 2 pound gain.  I'm going to do my best, though.
  2. I will try two new healthy recipes this month.  I have tried Italian Style Stuffed Mushrooms (a WW Cookbook recipe) and we loved them so much that we have had them 2 weeks in a row!
  3. I will get to the gym 3 days per week.  If I have to skip a day due to an unforeseen circumstance, I will make up the "appointment" and go another day. I have been holding myself to this.  Doing great so far
  4. While I am at the gym I will utilize every minute to my advantage.  Doing great on this as well.
  5. I will take time, each day, to set a healthy example for my daughters.  It could me something as simple as reminding them I love them the way they are to having them help me prepare a healthy meal for our family.  This has become a priority and it's going great!!
  6. I will drink at least 64 ounces of water per day - I have been doing this.  Though my one of my goals for my new #7daychip is to drink at least 120 ounces per day.
Please go see Kenz at All The Weigh and leave a comment with a link to YOUR FMM post and thanks to her for Friend Making Monday!


  1. got your link from Kenz's blog.Your goals are great! I hope you accomplish them.

  2. Came on over from Kenz's blog! I too love the elliptical. They have this new machine at our gym that is a mixture of the stair machine and elliptical. Its like running in slow motion in sand. SO GOOD!

    I love to cook healthy, its one of my newest passions, if you're in a bind and need an idea, you can look at my blog:

    Good luck with the rest of your goals! You can do it!

  3. Fiber One bars are SOOOO good! Like a "good for you" snickers bar!

    We have a new hockey arena by our house and I've been lucky enough to be exposed to some hockey - it's great! I love it! The speed, the fights!

  4. I LOVE the elliptical too! I also love cold navel oranges and cold apples. :)

    I hope you're rocking the #7daychip today! =0)

  5. I LOVE the elliptical too! I also love cold navel oranges and cold apples. :)

    I hope you're rocking the #7daychip today! =0)

  6. Came on over from Kenz's blog! I too love the elliptical. They have this new machine at our gym that is a mixture of the stair machine and elliptical. Its like running in slow motion in sand. SO GOOD!

    I love to cook healthy, its one of my newest passions, if you're in a bind and need an idea, you can look at my blog:

    Good luck with the rest of your goals! You can do it!


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